Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Entry #9

The archetype I chose to describe in the film Stardust would be The Caregiver. In the film Stardust the Caregiver role is played by Captain Shakespeare of the Caspartine, a famous pirate.  The reason I chose this archetype is due to the fact that Captain Shakespeare is not particularly proud of being a caregiver and would rather have a reputation of the opposite of what he really is. The reason why Captain Shakespeare is a caregiver is due to his actions and how he took in complete strangers (Tristan and Yvaine) and gave them food and shelter. Not only did Captain Shakespeare give them necessities to life but he gave them a comfortable environment to live in while he took them to their destination. Captain Shakespeare even protected Yvaine from the witches when he knew that she was a star. The captain denied knowing anything about a star regardless of what he knows. The captain really took good care of them while they were guests on his ship, he also took Tristan in as an apprentice and taught him how to fight with his sword and taught Yvaine to dance. Captain Shakespeare also gave Yvaine and Tristan clothes and even gave Tristan a new look by fixing his hair. The Captain overall fits perfectly into the rold of the Caregiver regardless of what his reputation is. He doesn’t want anyone to know of his Caregiver role in order to install fear into anyone that hears about him.

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